Tuesday, July 30, 2013
4 Ways to make Back to School time easier
I think of these things at back to school time but I also think about what happens to our bodies when we get back in the swing of things again. Homework and tests usually mean overloaded bookbags. Sports mean a never ending schedule of practices and games. Both of these things can take a toll on a kid's body (on parent's too!).
Here are some things to do to make this transition easier:
1. Get adjusted!! Any stress, whether it be physical, emotional or chemical can cause your spine to be out of alignment. Seeing your chiropractor regularly helps your body adapt to all the changes so much better. Just ask teachers! We see many school teachers in our office, especially at back to school time. They have a very hard job dealing with all those kids every day!!
2. Come up with a plan or routine to make things easier. It's almost like a second chance at New Year's Resolutions! Think back to those resolutions you made in January. Maybe you wanted to lose weight, exercise more, watch TV less, spend more time together as a family, etc. This is the perfect time to check in and see how you are doing with all those things or to make new "back to school resolutions."
3. Don't overdo it! Look at your schedule and make sure it's not so packed that you have no free time. We all need time to recharge and should have that time built into our schedules.
4. BREATHE!! Yes, breathe. Take a deep breath and know that you will get back into the swing of things. Taking a deep belly breath also helps settle down your stress (fight or flight) response. So everyday, especially at the end of the day, stop and take a few deep breaths to settle down before going to sleep. The quality and quantity of sleep you get will affect your attitude and your ability to make it through the day. So breathe!!
At my house, school starts this Thursday. Last night we started to implement some of the changes we are making for the school year. We turned the TV off at 6. We read some books together and played Candyland, all in an effort to get to bed earlier. I refuse to get up at 5:30 am until the day we absolutely have to! Thank goodness we only have to get up that early 2 days this week! Somehow we will get back into the swing of things and so will you! Hang on until November 3rd and you will be rewarded with an extra hour of sleep!
How are you preparing for back to school?
back to school,
Saturday, July 20, 2013
What is a Chiropractic Lifestyle?
For me, a Chiropractic Lifestyle is made up of the following components:
1. Getting my spine checked for subluxations 1 time a week. Not everyone will need to see their chiropractor once a week. Many, if not most, of my patients come back once a month or once every 2 months.
2. Eating a balanced diet.
I try to follow the nutritional advice in books such as Nourishing Traditions and Deep Nutrition.
3. Drinking plenty of water. Take your body weight and divide it by 2. That will give you how many ounces of water you need to drink each day. Remember, water has no color or flavor!
4. Getting good sleep each night. For me 7-9 hours of sleep are best. I'm still trying to find the perfect pillow that doesn't leave my neck sore and tight in the morning.
5. Exercise. I like to do interval training 2-3 times a week. I try to fit yoga in at least once a week to soothe my body and mind.
6. De-stress!! This is a tough one. Exercise is one way to de-stress but I need to do more to address my spiritual health. I do that by going to church, singing my praise to God, praying. I'm trying to fit in some meditation and deep breathing everyday to keep my mind from running a mile a minute.
7. Be as free of chemicals as possible. This includes avoiding unnecessary pharmaceutical intervention whether it be over the counter prescription. Most medications simply mask the symptom instead of addressing the cause of the problem. Look deeper to find the cause. It usually takes more work to fix the cause than to cover the symptom. Also avoid exposure to harmful chemicals found in many of the products we use every day. For example, I use coconut oil as my moisturizer, a mixture of Baking soda and water as shampoo, I make my own laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, bug spray and deodorant. There are so many DIY sites that give you instructions to make just about any household product. One of my favorites is diynatural.com. This was the first site to show me how simple it is to make your own products.
It will be different for every person. To avoid every harmful thing is unrealistic. Start by picking something you can do. For some people the most they can handle is going to the Chiropractor and that is okay! Once you've gotten a handle on one thing, begin to work on another. It would be very difficult if not impossible to try to make every change at once. Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle. You will always be discouraged. Simply do the best you can with what you've got.
Getting my spine checked is a no brainer for me. The rest of the stuff on the list takes some extra work on my part. I am on this journey of health right along with you and I am not perfect!
What are the steps you've taken to regain or maintain your health?

I try to follow the nutritional advice in books such as Nourishing Traditions and Deep Nutrition.
3. Drinking plenty of water. Take your body weight and divide it by 2. That will give you how many ounces of water you need to drink each day. Remember, water has no color or flavor!
4. Getting good sleep each night. For me 7-9 hours of sleep are best. I'm still trying to find the perfect pillow that doesn't leave my neck sore and tight in the morning.
5. Exercise. I like to do interval training 2-3 times a week. I try to fit yoga in at least once a week to soothe my body and mind.
6. De-stress!! This is a tough one. Exercise is one way to de-stress but I need to do more to address my spiritual health. I do that by going to church, singing my praise to God, praying. I'm trying to fit in some meditation and deep breathing everyday to keep my mind from running a mile a minute.
7. Be as free of chemicals as possible. This includes avoiding unnecessary pharmaceutical intervention whether it be over the counter prescription. Most medications simply mask the symptom instead of addressing the cause of the problem. Look deeper to find the cause. It usually takes more work to fix the cause than to cover the symptom. Also avoid exposure to harmful chemicals found in many of the products we use every day. For example, I use coconut oil as my moisturizer, a mixture of Baking soda and water as shampoo, I make my own laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, bug spray and deodorant. There are so many DIY sites that give you instructions to make just about any household product. One of my favorites is diynatural.com. This was the first site to show me how simple it is to make your own products.
It will be different for every person. To avoid every harmful thing is unrealistic. Start by picking something you can do. For some people the most they can handle is going to the Chiropractor and that is okay! Once you've gotten a handle on one thing, begin to work on another. It would be very difficult if not impossible to try to make every change at once. Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle. You will always be discouraged. Simply do the best you can with what you've got.
Getting my spine checked is a no brainer for me. The rest of the stuff on the list takes some extra work on my part. I am on this journey of health right along with you and I am not perfect!
What are the steps you've taken to regain or maintain your health?
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