For example, let's say we have a group exposed to the same salmonella contaminated batch of spinach. We have some people that die, some that get diarrhea, some that vomit, and some that experience no problems at all.
Why do they each experience different things? What is the difference between the people that die and those that have no problems?
Typically the people who die from some bacteria or virus have compromised immune systems. Basically, their bodies aren't working like they are supposed. While those with no symptoms typically have strong, healthy immune systems.
So I do believe in the existence of germs but not that I will always get sick when exposed to them. You need fertile soil (your body) for the seed (germ) to be able to flourish.
This week both Dr. Gomez and I have had colds. We are commonly asked what we do when we get sick. First, check in and make sure we have been taking care of our bodies with rest, good food, plenty of water and getting adjusted. I choose not to take any over the counter medications because they suppress symptoms and keep you feeling crappy longer. What I will take are some extra vitamins to give my immune system a boost and as much extra rest as I can get!
What do you do to boost your immune system?
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